For those of you who are new to reading my blog, I’m one of the coordinators for the local interaction group, Seattle D2ig, or written out fully, the Seattle Developer / Designer Interaction Group.

The group meets once a month, typically the 3rd wednesday of every month, and the purpose behind the group is to share experiences between developers and designers and foster a greater level of understanding across the two groups.  Every month we have a different speaker and we’ve had many different presentations every month since the group started, from iphone development and design, to Silverlight and Flash/Flex presentations and many others that fit in between.

This month’s speaker will be Rochelle Benavides who is going to talk about her work with the ever popular Zune MixView.

So join us in Bellevue at 7pm on Wednesday the 17th. 

Please note: These are very casual meetings that tend to last anywhere from an hour to an hour and a half and there are a group of us that often hit up a local restaurant afterwards for food and drinks afterwards.

For more information, visit

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