Yogurt, My New Favorite Ingredient

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As the first post after mentioning my intent to change the tone of content here on Facing Blend, I’ll kick it off with one of my new “obsessions” – new healthy stuff to try.  Now, this isn’t really a new thing.  I enjoy hearing about ways that I can change what I am doing to improve the health and well-being of my and my family’s life.  This has taken me down so many roads from different and fun new physical activities to improving the food that we eat.  (It also includes new ways to improve the health of my pets)

The latest change that we’ve been slowly integrating into our life is the use of yogurt.  The health benefits are numerous.

Up until recently, yogurt has been in basically 1 form: A lovely plastic cup which contains fruit and occasionally granola.  Sometimes it comes in a tube for my kids – but the contents and “application” of yogart has always been essentially the same.

Well that’s changed a bit.  I read an article on either Yahoo or MSN (can’t remember which, sorry!) which was one of those picture “articles” which listed 10 things which should be eaten more to improve your health.  Well, yogurt was one of them.  The article mentioned  the use of yogurt in other ways than just the cup of fruit – to use as part of the base for mashed potatoes.

So I decided to experiment.  I headed to the grocery store and picked up some plain WHOLE yogurt (not non- nor low-fat… I’ll talk about that in another blog), and proceeded to do just what the article mentioned – using yogurt as a replacement for the milk and butter.

What I found was that it was quite tasty – and a bit surprising.  It tasted like I added sour cream to my potatoes rather than the yogurt taste I was expecting.

Since my initial experiment, I’ve altered the quantity of yogurt.  Replacing ALL of the butter and milk was quite unbalanced in taste.  Instead, I add 2-3 tablespoons of yogurt and add butter and milk until I get a consistency which was appealing.  It’s certainly not an exact science, so if you try it, you’ll have to use your judgement.


Since, I’ve been trying different things with yogurt.

  1. Cheese sauce (pouring over broccoli)
  2. Cheese, Broccoli, Chicken & Potato soup
  3. White sauces in general including a lovely fettuccine sauce over shrimp & crab ravioli
  4. The mashed potatoes mentioned before
  5. home made ranch dressing (I still use some sour cream)

I’ve not discovered anything else where it sounded like yogurt could be used, but I’m still exploring this new ingredient to my cooking.


Oh, and btw: So far, all of the dishes have been kid tested and over the top approved.  My 1 yr old enjoys the food and my 5 year old asks for seconds!! (That almost never happens)  My daughter’s absolute favorite is when I make the cheese sauce and mix it in with rice, broccoli, carrots, corn, and shredded chicken(after boil-cooking it).

Yay yogurt!

Turning a new leaf

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When I last actively blogged on Facing Blend (not counting the random occasional post with crickets to fill the silence of months between), life was quite different.  Between pregnancy discomfort and working at a job that no longer challenged me (after years of attempting to work every angle I could so I could find challenges to overcome) – I wasn’t the happiest.

(No hard feelings towards the company.  Even the director 2 bosses up from my own wrote me a letter of recommendation expressing how I’ve grown out of the company’s ability to keep me challenged.)

Things have changed – a lot.  I now am working for an amazing company that is nothing but challenges (and fun!) from project to project.  I’m even finding time to connect with people that I feared I wouldn’t ever again… I’m finding myself to be quite happy and moving forward on lighter feet.


Redefining “Facing Blend”

The meaning behind Facing Blend was a bit shallow, but I am about to give it a greater and more personal level of depth.  Its original meaning surrounded my struggles and triumph as I went from an Adobe and Web standards background to something more interactive by way of learning how to use Expression Blend.

But underlying all of this was a much deeper meaning that I was constantly wanting to blog about, which wasn’t specific to expression blend, the software.  That deeper meaning being the struggle that I think many have in many industries – the challenges surrounding the blend between work and family.

I’m the one who created Facing Blend – so why not blog about all sorts of “Blend”?  Work and Family, Design and Development, and anything in between.  So from now on, not only will there be work related, design or development related, content, but also other types of content.  Will anybody be interested in the content?  No clue.  But I sure hope so!


Today – I am officially going to turn a new leaf on Facing Blend.

Windows Phone 7

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As of late, aside from work (the stuff I’m actually paid to do), my brain has been consumed by 2 things: My kids, and a windows phone app that my husband and I are working on.

I’m not going to go into great details regarding the app until our first release (hopefully in the next two or three weeks), but I really wanted to blog about the windows phone 7 potential.

So… I love blend.  I can create magic with expression blend – but now I can create stuff for the mobile space?  Cooooooool…

My husband received 2 of the windows 7 phones (or is it windows phone 7?  What order are these words supposed to be in?!)  For the purposes of this blog, I’m going to rename it “Wisiph”.  It’s just easier to type.

Anyway, my husband received these phones to test.  What is it about married couples?  Oh yeah – what is mine is his, what is his is mine (there are more mean versions of that saying…).  So guess what?  I get to play with the Wisiph too.  Sweeeet.

So first of all – I like it.  The interface is over-archingly a fun interface and easy to figure out.  Not quite as simple as the iphone, but a whole freakin lot more so than the droid (sorry Google.  Lots of love to you, but the usability needs more work).  I thoroughly enjoy the commercials for the phone, I enjoy how the phone navigates between apps – it’s just simple!  I enjoy how accessible various areas of apps are set up and how there’s a menu system which isn’t really a menu system like windows typically has.  It has a whole lot of the feeling that I loved from the Zune and very little of what I HATED from the old windows mobile operating systems.

The things which could be improved upon:

The camera.  If I have to look online to figure out how to take a dang picture, then it’s not intuitive enough.  When I finally DID find it, I felt stupid – and that’s exactly my issue with it.  When using a device, I should never ever get the feeling that I’m stupid.  I should feel empowered and smart enough where I can just pick up the device and use it with very little of a learning curve. 

For those who get the phone and haven’t figured it out, the little button on the right side of the screen (when looking at the screen) both brings up the camera taking app as well as takes the image, so 1 hit of the button to use the view finder and 1 hit of the same button to take the picture.  None of that is directly on the screen. 

Also to mention, the software for the camera needs fine tuning so the pictures turn out better.  I think the camera is likely more capable than the software built for it can utilize.

The marketplace.  This things rocks, but for about 2 weeks, I was frustrated because I couldn’t find any way to search the place.  Well that’s kind of lame.  I did locate a “Marketplace” search tool app to install, but who ever heard of a place for application downloads without a search engine?

Well – there is one, but I’m going to come back to the “I felt stupid” comment.  There is nothing on-screen for searching.  That little search icon which in most circumstances brings up the default search engine, in the marketplace, is reprogrammed to search the marketplace.

The 3rd big bad thing is just the Wisiph’s infancy.  There are too few apps out for the device, but I’d be willing to bet that by the time the 2nd generation of phones comes out, there will be plenty.  Every day more and more apps are released. 

Speaking of – Silverlight Simon is up on the marketplace, released by David Kelley and right now is ranked as the #28 in most downloaded apps!

Download time causing my downtime

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It has been quite a long time, and a whole lot has gone on in my life to keep me away from this lovely blog.  I can’t say that I’m officially “back” because I feel that will doom this blog back into silence, but I will conservatively say that I think I will be posting a bit more often. 

We shall see 🙂

In any event, I’m currently downloading expression suite 4, the demo.  I’ve read a wonderful FAQ which tells me that I don’t have to purchase a new one since I already have a licensed copy of Expression Studio 3.  I just need to download Expression Studio 4 and bing-bam, it’ll be a full registered version.


So I am now downloading the trial for Expression Studio 4 – and kind of excited about it.  I had dread towards the coming of Expression Studio 4 because I had only JUST obtained a full copy of 3 the week prior, when suddenly there’s talk of a soon to be releasing 4 with sketchflow.  If ever there was a time to shake my fist at someone, I surely was struck by the desire at that moment.

In any event – here I sit – 28% downloaded with 72% to go.

Tacky scented envelopes

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just a quick note: This has nothing to do with Expression Blend, Design, or anything relevant aside from a personal victory in hard times

Long time no post.  I’ve been debating if I’m going to use this as a true blog or hold true to it being a design blog.  Jury is out on that, but today I want to post as if this is a normal personal blog, so here’s my blog.

Its now been 4.5 years, my lovely truck, I love you so much, you have 1 more payment to go and that’s IT!  You’re officially MINE!

But I have 1 thing that I want to do.  The envelope. 

The last envelope . <— (imagine that sentence in scrolly looking font)

 I feel the urge to go out and purchase some of those seriously tacky envelopes which are prescented for the feminine in you – just for the use of sending this very last check.  Can one do that?  Send a sarcastic envelope?  Do you think it’d be recognized as such or just end up in the pile of envelopes which the billing dept likely puts in some sort of waste basket (recycling hopefully?)

 I’m debating on this, but I think I may just have to see if I can find some of those dang things.  Never in a million years did I think I’d ever be contemplating the purchase of scented envelopes… but then again, the sweet sweet act of sending the final payment on a truck which still mostly feels like new… perhaps the time is prime for some smelly paper.

88mile – new blog to check out

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My buddy just opened his blog up and its just way too fun to not link to.

88mile. Where insanity rules.

btw – I so very much am jealous of his waacom super powers. I’m make it shiny and look real girl. He’s Mr. Artisté ( not that you can see that on his blog, but I’m sure it’ll come out eventually).

Always have someone who’s better than you in your life. I swear. It keeps you in your place.

Anyway, check out his blog!  http://www.88mile.com/