I’ve come to the conclusion that this will likely never go away. The more I work in Expression Blend, the stronger the case of disorientation is when I come back to photoshop to do a quick mockup of something and I figured that there would likely be a time where I would go between the two and seeing as how I know what to do once the application is open based on its UI, that I’d recall the differences w/o issue as though it were all muscle memory.
However, the similarities of controls and manipulation are just so similar that every time I switch between the two, it takes a moment for the change to click.
For instance – shapes – aka vector objects. Photoshop has vector objects – they’re not as easy to manipulate after they’ve been placed in a layer as they would be if I were in illustrator or blend, but they do have them in photoshop and I use them more than I think any other tool in photoshop. It helps that I’ve lately been using photoshop to do mockups of things that will translate to Expression Blend… but there-in lies the problem.
So an example: In photoshop, I have a circle, I need place it and its not quite right. So I scale it… but oh yeah, I need to approve the append in photoshop. In blend, I make the change and its much more like illustrator. It just is – its done. Changed.
Gradients – I’ve come to very VERY much enjoy the flexibility of hand manipulating direction and well.. every characteristic of a gradient. I’d like to toot my own horn and say that I’ve actually gotten pretty damn good at it. In photoshop, its all raster based. So its… seriously different. Sure – a whole lot more can be done, but I also find limitations to the power of the rastering in photoshop.
So yeah – anyway. I think I’ve officially determined that I will likely never get over that first 5 minutes of “oh yeah, that’s right, I’m not working in ___”
Oh – and just for the heck of it because I’ve gone a different direction, below is a screenshot of a flower recreated using gradients in blend – next to the example flower which is a photograph of a real flower.